Thursday, May 19, 2011


Journal Journeys
James 3: 1-12
May 22, 2011

“Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body."
James 3:5-6

The Heart of the Matter
Controlling our tongue is one of the toughest battles we will face in our spiritual lives. Our words were never meant to tear down and destroy. Our words were meant to glorify God and build up those around us.

The Characteristics of the Tongue (Vs. 3-6)
The Tongue: Small but Powerful!
The Tongue: Small but Dangerous!
The Tongue: Small but Revealing!

The Controlled Tongue (Vs. 7, 8)
Be Quick To Listen – Slow to Speak.
Keep a Tight Rein On It.
Refuse to Tear Others Down.
Speak Only What is True.
Pray For God’s Help.

The Constructive Tongue (Vs. 9-12)
It is Addicted to Witnessing.
It Speaks the Truth in Love.
It Encourages Others.
It Continually Praises the Lord!

Questions of the Week
In this past week, how have you used words to build up those around you?
In this past week, how have you used words to tear down those around you?
In this past week, how have you used words to glorify God?
Do you feel excited or worried about the fact that you will one day be held in account for everything you have said?
How can you bring your words under God’s control?

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